ATIPIC :Technical Day with AFTPVA

Hôtel NOVOTEL de Lille-Aeroport, 55 route de Douai - 59810 – LESQUIN

8:45 - 15:00

8h45 Registration - Coffee / Tea

9h25 Opening by Dr.Jacques Warnon – President ATIPIC & Christian Côte – President AFTPVA Nord

9h30 Zschimmer & Schwarz Interpolymer – Dr Fabian Gyger, Global Product Manager Paints & Coatings Reduce complexity in your waterborne formulation: self-matting acrylics and cationic functionality without compatibility issues Covation Biomaterials - Patrick Van Waes 100% bio-based Susterra® 1,3-propanediol as enabler for production of bio-based coatings and resins transitioning away from petroleum based building blocks.

10h45 Pause Café

11h VINAVIL SpA - Antonietta Schirò, Product Manager Coating Line How Multifunctional Nanopolymer Emulsions enhance performance in Coatings Industry Synpo - Jos Huybrechts Polymer Performance through Knowledge

12h15 Lunch – Restaurant Le Gourmet

13h45 VERDER - Thanina Amiar, Application Engineer Optical characterization of coatings and paints Shelf life - colloidal stability – dispersibility SAPICI - SUN Chemical – Umberto Tuan, Techncial Assistance Manager REACH restrictions on diisocyanates. Market trend and new developments

15h Closure of the Day and after drink


❑ AFTPVA, ATIPIC or VOM Members 100€

❑ Non-Members 140€

❑ Retired/ Studient / Workless 50€

Locatie: Hôtel NOVOTEL de Lille-Aeroport, 55 route de Douai - 59810 – LESQUIN

Taal: EN

Organisator: AFTPVA

Telefoon: +33 3 20 62 53 53


Registration via AFTPVA :