VWT bijeenkomst: Destructief onderzoek in de harderij, stand van zaken 2022

Destructief onderzoek in een harderij is een onmisbaar item om aan de hoge kwaliteitsnormen van onze klanten te kunnen voldoen. In de loop der jaren is er op dit gebied veel veranderd en geautomatiseerd waardoor de verwerking van preparaten een stuk sneller gaat als voorheen. De zeer ervaren referenten nemen jullie mee in het hele proces van de voorbereiding van het preparaat tot aan de analyse van de meetresultaten.

De drie voordrachten zullen gehouden worden door sprekers van de firma’s Struers, Clemex en Olympus. Deze bedrijven hebben wereldwijd hun sporen inmiddels ruim verdiend in diverse laboratoria en daarom zijn wij trots dat zij hun kennis en ervaring met ons willen delen.

eTien, Brecht

17:00 - 21:15

17.00 uur Registratie – Ontvangst aperitief

17.30 uur Diner

19.00 uur Opening door de voorzitter van de Vereniging voor Warmtebehandelingstechniek
B. Vandewiele, BVDW Consultancy vof

19.05 uur Prepareren en etsen, stand van zaken anno 2022
Glen van Vugt, Struers

We will explain the basics of cutting, mounting, grinding, polishing and etching of samples. The novelties in hot and cold mounting and grinding. Changes in consumables.Why is correct preparation so important for the end result, what are often made mistakes? How can we chemically etch and safely handle chemical etchants and what are alternatives (optical etching and electrolytic etching)?

19.45 uur Life is to short and to expensive – hardness testing and image analyzing within one machine
Peter Doernach, Clemex

Determine the quality of materials hardness depends also on the homogeneity of the microstructure. There is one way to report all the datas of a sample for hardness using the CMT (Clemex Microhardness
Testing software) and in connection with Clemex Vision PE (Image Analyzing software) all needed parameters of the microstructure for example grain size, carbide distribution, layer thickness, porosity etc. In that case you can work very efficient without moving the sample from hardness tester to the microscope. That safes time, place and money all in one. In that case we have two easy to handle powerful software products at a single workplace.information on the major industries where protective paints are used successfully, and state-of-the-art automatic / semi-automatic equipment is shown to achieve this in a safe and economic way.

20.25 uur Pauze met koffie en thee

20.35 uur Intelligente beeldanalysetechnieken voor metallurgisch onderzoek
Ronald van Dijk, Olympus

The presentation is about image analysis for metallurgical samples. Benefits of using image analysis software instead of human visible inspection is the inspector independently, speed and the possibility to document more data. To compare different production processes or determine the quality of steel, the size and distribution of non-metallic inclusions (NMI) like sulfides and oxides can be analyzed automatically. Different standard, like ASTM E45-18 method A and SEP 1571:2017 method K, are defined for NMI. This can be worst field analysis or all inclusions in a predefined area, according to the norm to use.

To know the grain sizing of your material, the G-number, you can still compare what you see through a microscope with a poster on the wall or use the software to calculate grain sizes. Different approaches are
developed like intercept method and planimetric method, based on norms like ASTM E 112-13 and EN ISO 643:2012. Using software, boundaries of the grains can be found by looking for abrupt deviations in the pixels’ intensity of measuring lines or thresholdding the complete boundaries. Using a second phase, the software can distinguish between pearlite and

By using a cast iron analysis, you can determine the cast iron’s graphite fraction using unetched samples. With etched samples, the ferrite/pearlite fraction can be measured. Using the combination of the sample unetched and later on etched, you can measure graphite, perlite and ferrite. Also the graphite size, form and nodularity can be classified according to several norms like EN ISO 945-1: 2018. For lamellar graphite, the graphite distribution can be selected as well.

Because not all samples and processes are perfect for image analysis, artificial intelligence is upcoming to be able to analyze challenging samples without enough contrast for ‘standard’ algorithms.

21.15 uur Afsluiting

Locatie: eTien, Brecht

Taal: NL

Organisator: Vereniging voor Warmtebehandelingstechniek, Mikrocentrum

E-mail: k.bakel@mikrocentrum.nl

Telefoon: +31 40 296 99 11

Website: www.mikrocentrum.nl