Vacature toevoegen

Indien u een vacature wenst toe te voegen, gelieve de nodige gegevens aan VOM bezorgen. VOM overloopt deze gegevens en na goedkeuring wordt deze vacature volgens de afspraken gepubliceerd op deze website.  

Your job vacancy also on the VOM website?

VOM members can place job offers for a defined period on this website and once in VOM's newsletter. This way, you reach the right target group.


You submit your information together with your logo to VOM via the form. After approval by VOM, the vacancy is posted. From then on, the publication period starts and the vacancy will be posted in the next newsletter. You can choose how long you wish to publish this vacancy.

  • 1 month: € 500
  • 2 months: € 600
  • 3 months: € 700
  • until the vacancy is filled: cost price in function of the number of published months with a minimum of € 500 (see above)


The duration of the agreement is the above agreed term. VOM removes the vacancy from the website after the expiration date.

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