
Qualisteelcoat is the European quality label for the protection of steel by application of an organic coating (powder or wet paint).

Why Qualisteelcoat?


There is a need for quality assurance of the delivered product. Principals of steel protection are looking for an effective tool to evaluate the paintwork of their suppliers based on the same standards across Europe.

What is the scope?

The scope includes both untreated and treated steel (thermal and electrolytic galvanizing, metalizing, sherardizing, zinc-rich paint), chemical and mechanical pretreatment, powder coating, wet painting and indoor and outdoor applications. It concerns the following sectors: construction, off-shore, marine, ...

Technical specifications

From  the 1st of January 2025, new specifications v4.3 are valid. The technical specifications are:

  • to inform the client about the production process,
  • to describe the quality control and test methods,
  • to stimulate the coater to constantly monitor the coating process,
  • to introduce standard inspection forms in all participating countries.

Qualisteelcoat & VOM

The application domain of Qualisteelcoat corresponds to the work domain of VOM. As a general licensee for Belgium, VOM watches over the content of the technical specifications. VOM wants to pursue uniformity within Europe, to minimize the commercial aspect and to provide correct information to the market. 


  • promote quality paintwork,
  • distribute and disclose on the Belgian market,
  • quick revision of the document content,
  • the establishment of a working group with interested VOM-members to provide input.


More information?

Veerle Fincken, program manager