Our services

Promotion of the surface treatment technology

Surface treatment is a complex world. Therefore VOM informs prescribers, principals, building contractors, architects, engineering offices, project developers about the capabilities of the technology.

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Transfer of technical knowledge to companies

Work with knowledge! That is our aim. VOM provides technical information on surface treatment by courses, workshops, networking activities, fair EUROFINISH, monthly magazine, website, etc.

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Point of contact for the industry

Do you have questions about your coating process? New techniques? Regulations? Partners? VOM helps you on your way.

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Representing the industry

VOM represents the sector in environmental administrations and legislative government to constructively contribute to a sustainable world.

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Are you looking for a subcontractor, a specific surface treatment, product or equipment?

Latest news

Hoever staat het met de herziening van de BREF STM studie?

Het IPPC Bureau (EIPPCB) van de EC en de technische werkgroep (TWG) zijn volop bezig met het opstellen van de draft studie van de BREF Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics (BREF STM).

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Restriction Proposal voor chroom(VI) voor meer substanties

ECHA is gemandateerd door de EC om een restrictievoorstel te ontwikkelen om CrVI-stoffen van de autorisatielijst (Annex XIV) naar de restrictielijst (Annex XVII) te verplaatsen.

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CETS is op zoek naar een expert PFAS

De ECHA discussies (RAC en SEAC) over het gebruik van PFAS verbindingen in de galvano-industrie starten in de eerste week van juni 2024, meer bepaald op 5 juni (RAC meeting) en 6 juni (SEAC meeting).

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Wist je dat .... VOM is actief lid van the European Federation of Corrosion EFC

De VOM is lid van EFC. Lees meer over de voordelen die dit lidmaatschap VOM-leden biedt.

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Here you will find all activities organized by VOM. Also, other interesting fairs and events related to surface treatment are mentioned.

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EUROCORR2024 will cover all aspects of corrosion science, technology, and engineering, with emphasis on a main theme: A step forward in societal awareness of material degradation issues.

Young VOM summer event 2024

Young VOM celebrates the end of summer with a summer event, accompanied by Just That.

FORMATION : Prétraitement chimique - Secteur aéronautique

Le prétraitement chimique dans le secteur aéronautique

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