Passed events

Here is a list of events that have already passed.

Theoriecursus Poedercoaten 2017 - VOLZET

Organizer: VOM vzw

De klemtoon ligt op het bijschaven van de kennis over diverse poeders, voorbehandelingsystemen en applicatietechnieken. Achteraf is de deelnemer in staat om proces- en kwaliteitsverbeteringen in te voeren.

See the event


Organizer: AFEA S.A. Travel & Congress Services

European congress and exhibition of advanced materials and processes.

See the event

La journée technique du rechargement

Organizer: LaserCo dt & TechnoCampus

See the event

19th International Sol-Gel Conference

Organizer: International Sol-Gel Society (ISGS)

The biennial conference gathers the most relevant and innovative advances in the field from the point of view of scientific research and industrial developments

See the event