Passed events

Here is a list of events that have already passed.

Webinaire : Ces surfaces anti-encrassement qui réduisent vos coûts de maintenance - état des lieux des solutions existantes

Organizer: VOM-Promosurf

La recherche de solutions pour garantir la durabilité des surfaces et de leur aspect tout en minimisant les étapes de nettoyage et maintenance a conduit à l’émergence de revêtements anti-encrassement, antiadhérent, anti-fouling, auto-nettoyant, etc.

See the event

VOM ON TOUR 2020 gaat virtueel: energiezuinig ondernemen - 22/10/2020

Organizer: VOM vzw

Let's meet again! Meet your fellow companies and get inspired in your daily business!

See the event

Dagopleiding: Kennismaking met corrosieverschijnselen & preventieve maatregelen 2020

Organizer: VOM vzw

Deze sessie introduceert u in de complexe wereld van corrosie zodat uw algemene kennis over de verschillende corrosievormen, hun oorzaken en gevolgen opgekrikt wordt, zonder van u een corrosiespecialist te maken.

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Theoriecursus Poedercoaten 2020

Organizer: VOM vzw

De klemtoon ligt op het bijschaven van de kennis over diverse poeders, voorbehandelingsystemen en applicatietechnieken. Achteraf is de deelnemer in staat om proces- en kwaliteitsverbeteringen in te voeren.

See the event

Where Polymers Meet Coatings

Organizer: ATIPIC, BPG

ATIPIC and BPG co-organize a workshop on the interface of their respective activities: "Where Polymers Meet Coatings".

See the event

Webinar: Innovative skins for increased durability of lightweight materials

Organizer: asbl VOM vzw, in collaboration with CIDETEC

VOM in collaboration with CIDETEC is organizing a webinar dedicated to innovative surface treatments for lightweight materials. The aim of this seminar is to discuss advances in sustainable coatings and treatments for lightweight materials, with advanced or multifunctional properties and how they can add value to your products by providing new feautures and how to implement them in your company.

See the event